Endless Summer. 61 x 92 cm (the exact size of half a yoga mat). Hand-drawing. Pencil, ink and oil pastels on paper. Completed December 2018.
The drawing was made as a yoga experiment: Could I draw an intricate design for a yoga mat by hand, only using pencils and oil pastels? How long would it take?
It turned out to take 75 hours in total to complete the drawing, and I learnt a lot about symmetry during the work process. How tiny deviations and differences, invisible to the eye at first, can turn into much larger disparities later on. Just like with the body! You have a tiny, insignificant little thing with your knee that you keep ignoring? It could turn up as a major pain in your back two years later.
This drawing has worked as a highly motivationg reminder for myself that things take time, and that big improvements start with very small changes. It's like an altar of patience.
Enquiries: christina@majcher.dk